Healthy Living & Fitness, Inc. (Healthy Living OKC) is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization and operates independent of any other institution or city department. It is led by a diverse Board of Directors bringing expertise from various sectors in the community.

Our Vision

Our goal is to provide state-of-the-art health and wellness services, empowering adults to become avid health consumers responsible for their well-being and fulfillment of their personal goals. Our mission is to promote the health and well-being of those aged 50 and over by providing opportunities for physical activity, social engagement, and lifelong learning. We offer programming that will

• Help connect and provide a community through social wellness activities and initiatives

• Provide access to professional and recreational physical fitness activities

• Provide education and support on current adult-related issues

What is a Wellness and Education Center?

Healthy Living OKC uses a six-dimensional model of wellness that includes emotional, spiritual, intellectual, social, physical, and occupational factors. The goal of the wellness center is to embody and provide programs under one roof to improve the quality of life for adults 50 and above in the NW OKC community.

Our Story

In 2009, as a part of Oklahoma City’s MAPS 3 Project, Oklahoma City voted to build recreational and social facilities to support and promote a healthy and active lifestyle.

In 2015, Oklahoma City accepted a bid from Healthy Living & Fitness, Inc. (dba Healthy Living OKC) to fully operate the 40,272-square-foot facility for the northwest Oklahoma City location. Healthy Living & Fitness is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

In 2021, as part of the Norman Forward Project, Healthy Living & Fitness, Inc. was selected to become the operator of the new Norman Adult Wellness and Education Center. Opening its doors in November 2023, this state-of-the-art, 32,000-square-foot facility is the only center of its kind in the Norman area.


Interested in learning more about our facility? Check out what our members are saying by clicking below!


  • "From Acrylics to Zumba, I have met many delightful people that I have been able to connect with. This truly is a diverse facility that has something for everyone from all walks of life."

  • "I always marvel at how HLOKC is truly a ‘lifesaving’ place for so many people who have no means to connect with others. I have witnessed it so many times - people need people and HLOKC provides that."

  • “HLOKC has been a wonderful, encouraging community of friends for me.  I have made amazing friends who check on me when I am absent and keep me accountable for making healthy choices in my life!”