Member and Guest Policy

Healthy Living OKC is a private/public partnership with the city of Oklahoma City. City funds were used to construct and furnish the facility, but the city does not contribute towards its ongoing operation. The nonprofit 501(c)(3) Healthy Living and Fitness, Inc. has been given the responsibility to run this program and facility

Healthy Living OKC (HLOKC) welcomes adults aged 50 and over to engage equally and respectively in the Healthy Living community. We have adopted policies and procedures to provide for the safe, enjoyable, and healthy use of our premises. These policies apply to your conduct on HLOKC’s premises, which includes all indoor and outdoor areas, as well as the website and social media platforms. As a member or guest at HLOKC, you are responsible for reviewing, understanding, and complying with the policies in this document.

Page 2 Membership

Page 6 Payment and Check-In

Page 8 Center Amenities and Procedures

Page 12 Safety

Page 15 Code of Conduct – overarching expectation

These policies supplement those posted or otherwise provided in our center or at our events. We may adopt policies applicable to a single event. In some instances, the law may establish different requirements applicable to certain events and may not be stated in this document. To the extent of a conflict with other policies, the more restrictive policy applies.

HLOKC may change these policies, at any time and without notice, based on business needs. If you have questions, please contact the branch director.